72 research outputs found

    Evaluation or Analysis of a Live or a Recorded Video Sequence: An Example in the Analysis of Sports Videos

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    International audienceBackground. Since 2006, at the Faculty of Sport Sciences of Montpellier, to train students in the use of sportive video analysis with general and specific software, students must build 4 specific applications. These ICT skills are part of those defined by the Ministry of Higher Education, and the feature of these applications is the use of "delayed videos" analysis. Their learning journey is supported by on line tutorials. To consider the ever-increasing efficiency of new technologies and go further in video analysis, we have added a step (a fifth application): the use of "live videos" analysis excluding the backtracking of video. The benefits of this type of work can help decision-making in everyday life and therefore concern the world of sport.Problem. The purpose of this work was to observe students analyzing a recorded video sequence excluding video backtracking, as if they were live, as a coach. The feasibility conditions of such an experiment led us to study a judo combat by appreciating or estimating the interactions between different criteria as a coach.Method. After training, Masters students (n=12), who specialized in the video analysis and in judo performance, analyzed (they studied three times the same combat) the balance of power (subjective criterion) between two judokas. The process required the student observers to identify whether a judoka was "dominant, i.e.: in a favorable organization to win" or "dominated" whilst managing his/her actions in "programmed/conscious" or "automatic, i.e.: reflex organization" modes. Nonparametric Kolmogorov Smirnov and Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze the data collected by the students.Conclusions. These tests indicated that the analyses were identical and stable at the intra-observer (p=[0.095: 0.999], p=[0.219: 1.0]) and group levels (p=0.224; p=0.406). We propose to include this methodology of analyze in Masters' students training programs and develop these live analyses for coachs, teachers or referees

    A contradiction-driven approach to theory formation : conceptual issues, pragmatics in human learning, potentialities

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    In Educational literature, Discovery Learning appears as an approach in which the learner builds up his/her own knowledge by performing experiments within a domain and inferring/increasing rules as a result. Such a constructivist approach has been largely exploited in the design of computational artefacts with learning purposes, the so-called Discovery Learning Environments (DLEs). One known feature of such environments is the autonomy degree required for students to succeed while handling a domain. Additionally, DLEs designers are often challenged to get students actually engaged. Such questions are on the basis of our concerns with the design and usage of particular DLEs, within which learning events occur as a consequence of contradiction detection and overcoming, during human/machine cooperative work. In this paper, we present an artificial agent capable of handling such a contradiction-driven approach of learning, by highlighting the exchanges that the agent should promote with a human learner. The conceptual model supporting the agent’s design relies on the scientific rationale, particularly the empirical approach guided by the theory-experiment confrontation. We shall reinforce the interest of the model for the design of DLEs by presenting its exploitation in a real learning situation in Law. Also, we suggest potential instantiations of the model elsewhere than in Human Learning

    De la Preuve Empirique à la Détermination du Procédé, un Exemple dans les Activités Physiques de Combat, une Application en Kendo Scolaire

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    National audienceRarely the typical "balance of power" in combat sports is set to "learn to deal with the opponent not as an enemy but as a partner game" and allow "students to be winners in the exchange". The aim of this work is to provide tracks introducing this " balance of power " as a meaning to stimulate the ability of reasoning by showing:i)The tactic "fight only for victory" should be reconsidered.ii)Links between problematic and tactics. Coevolution of techniques (appropriate action suites) and problematic.iii) The evolution of spontaneous processes in invariants methods.146 students in M1 (Master Quality Analysis in Aix -Marseille University), the practice of scholastic kendo can be likened to the study of an unknown system. Understanding this system is set in practice. Combat "with memory" allows us to work from the problematic to the processes. To touch is a found solution (or empirical evidence) that cannot be unnoticed. Solutions found and exchanged allow us to describe rules of actions (processes). Their generalizations allow us to describe the methods. These one can be demonstrated to answer the problematic (here: hitting without being hit). Surveys have shown that this type of training is in line with their expectations.Trop rarement le rapport de force typique des sports de combat est institué pour "apprendre à traiter l'adversaire non comme un ennemi mais comme un partenaire de jeu" et permettre aux "apprenants à être vainqueurs dans l'échange". Le but de ce travail est d'apporter des pistes pour que ce rapport de force puisse être instauré pour stimuler la possibilité de raisonner en montrant :i) Que la tactique "combattre uniquement pour la gagne" est à reconsidérer.ii)Des liens entre problématique et tactique. Une coévolution des techniques (suites d'action adéquates) et de la problématique.iii) Les transformations des processus spontanés en procédés invariants.Pour 146 étudiants en M1 (Master Analyse Qualité à Marseille, Aix-Marseille Université.) la pratique du kendo-scolaire peut s'apparenter à l'étude d'un système inconnu. La compréhension de ce système est mise en pratique. Le combat à mémoire permet de passer de la problématique au procédé : toucher est une solution trouvée (preuve ou procédé empirique) qui ne peut passer inaperçue. Les solutions trouvées et échangées permettent de décrire des règles d'actions. La généralisation de ces dernières permet de décrire les procédés. Ceux-ci peuvent être démontrés pour répondre à la problématique (ici, toucher sans être touché). Les enquêtes ont montré que ce type de formation est en adéquation avec leurs attentes

    Sémiotique et visualisation de l'identité numérique: une étude comparée de Facebook et Myspace

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    Digital identity is divided into 3 sign sets: (1) declarative identity, (2) acting identity and (3) calculated identity. This typology allows leading a quantitative analysis of cultural influence of identity representation in social web, through the comparative study of two social networks: Facebook and MySpace. Unlike early web, social web makes possible identification of a user without having to declare describing elements. The comparative analysis presented here continues this analysis by specifying the procedures of this new paradigm of identity and highlighting two different ideologies of identity, on the one hand, a normative one to stimulate socialization, on the other hand, an egocentric one for the sake of self-expression. “Calculated identity” encourages users to make comparisons between them and feed their representation, but increasing disproportionately the number of friends is not sufficient to play the social game as it is structured by Facebook: visualization shows that the social network is maintained by sharing. Sharing photos, participating in shared groups is a part of regular social interaction announcing the emergence of a new intersubjective language.Un modèle sémiotique de l'identité numérique construit précédemment distingue 3 ensembles de signes : l'identité déclarative, agissante et calculée. Ce modèle est utilisé pour développer une analyse quantitative appliquée de l'emprise culturelle du web 2.0 sur la représentation de l'identité à travers l'étude comparative de deux logiciels de réseaux sociaux, Facebook et Myspace. Contrairement au premier web, le web social rend possible l'identification personnelle d'un utilisateur sans qu'il ait à déclarer des éléments qui le décrivent ; l'analyse comparée ici présentée poursuit cette analyse en précisant les procédés de ce nouveau paradigme identitaire et mettant en évidence des idéologies identitaires différentes, l'une normative par souci de socialisation, l'autre égocentrée par souci d'expression de soi. L'identité calculée incite les utilisateurs à établir des comparaisons entre eux et à nourrir leur représentation, mais il ne s'agit pas pour autant de jouer à accroître démesurément un critère comme le nombre d'amis pour jouer le jeu social : les graphes nœud-lien montrent que le réseau s'entretient par le partage. Partager des photographies, participer à des groupes communs fait partie des échanges sociaux réguliers qui annoncent l'émergence d'un nouveau langage intersubjectif

    On the Impact of Intrinsic Delay Variation Sources on Iridium LEO Constellation

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    The recent decades have seen an increasing interest in Medium Earth Orbit and Low Earth Orbit satellite constellations. However, there is little information on the delay variation characteristics of these systems and the resulting impact on high layer protocols. To fill this gap, this paper simulates a constellation that exhibits the same delay characteristics as the already deployed Iridium but considers closer bandwidths to constellation projects’. We identify five major sources of delay variation in polar satellite constellations with different occurrence rates: elevation, intra-orbital handover, inter-orbital handover, orbital seam handover and Inter-Satellite Link changes. We simulate file transfers of different sizes to assess the impact of each of these delay variations on the file transfer. We conclude that the orbital seam is the less frequent source of delay and induces a larger impact on a small file transfers: the orbital seam, which occurs at most three times during 24 h, induces a 66% increase of the time needed to transmit a small file. Inter-orbital and intra-orbital handovers occur less often and reduce the throughput by approximately ∼ 8% for both low and high throughput configurations. The other sources of delay variations have a negligible impact on small file transfers, and long file transfers are not impacted much by the delay variations

    French Roadmap for complex Systems 2008-2009

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    This second issue of the French Complex Systems Roadmap is the outcome of the Entretiens de Cargese 2008, an interdisciplinary brainstorming session organized over one week in 2008, jointly by RNSC, ISC-PIF and IXXI. It capitalizes on the first roadmap and gathers contributions of more than 70 scientists from major French institutions. The aim of this roadmap is to foster the coordination of the complex systems community on focused topics and questions, as well as to present contributions and challenges in the complex systems sciences and complexity science to the public, political and industrial spheres

    Structuration de débats en ligne à l'aide d'Annotationssocio-sémantiquesVers une analyse de réseaux sociaux centrés sur l'interaction

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    Cette thèse traite de l'usage de l'annotation socio-sémantique dans le cadre de la dé-mocratie électronique et plus particulièrement des débats en ligne. L'annotation socio-sémantique est utilisée ici comme solution de structuration des débats. La représentationdes données des débats est pensée pour faciliter la mise en place de méthodes d'extrac-tion et d'analyses du réseau social des utilisateurs, en particulier pour faciliter l'extractionde groupes d'opinions. La thèse est réalisée dans le contexte de l'ANR Intermed qui vise àproduire des outils d'aide à la concertation en ligne, en particulier pour la gestion de zonescôtiéres.En nous appuyant sur la tendance 2.0, nous définissons la notion de débat 2.0. Débat àgrande échelle, au moins l'échelle d'une collectivité territoriale, s'appuyant sur l'usage detechnologies du Web 2.0 pour faciliter les interactions entre les citoyens. Dans ce contexte,l'interopérabilité est un enjeu crucial. Si les annotations discursives s'inscrivent dans latendance 2.0 et permettent aux citoyens de discuter en ligne, le traitement des donnéesproduites en vue de structurer les débats, de synthétiser les discussions, de modérer, d'éva-luer la représentativité ... devient une tâche de plus en plus complexe avec l'augmentationde la quantité de données produites. Nous proposons d'utiliser les technologies du websémantique, et donc des annotations à la fois discursives et sémantiques (appelées anno-tations socio-sémantique), pour représenter les données produites par les citoyens dansun outil de débat 2.0 et pour faciliter l'interopérabilité de ces données, faciliter la créationd'autres services comme par exemple un service d'analyse du réseau social, un service derecommandation, un service de visualisation des débats ... Nous présentons donc un mé-canisme d'annotation structurant les discussions, fruit d'un processus incrémental d'im-plémentation et d'expérimentation sur le terrain.This pdh deals with socio-semantic annotations for e-democracy and online debates. Socio-semantic annotation are used to structurate debates. Data representation was designed to facilitate social network analysis and community detection based on opinion mining. This phd was made during the ANR project Intermed wich has to develop e-participation tools for geolocalised planning.Based on Web 2.0 trend, we define debate 2.0 concept as great scale online debates. A debate 2.0 is a debate that involves at least an important part of the inhabitants of a county and that uses web 2.0 tools. Interoperability is a main challenge of debates 2.0. If discursive annotations are a web 2.0 way of interaction between citizen, to process data from citizen participation is a complicate and expensive task. We recommand to use web semantic technology and socio-semantic annotations to represent data produced by citizen. Il will increase interoperability and easiness to create new applications and features consuming this data. We propose an annotation mecanism to structurate discussions and we have developped a platform through an agile loop with on field experiment.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF